Calibration Blocks for Bearing Rollers Testing 001

OKOndt Calibration Blocks for Bearing Rollers Testing

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DesignationDefect parametersRoller’s diameter, mm/in.Roller’s length, mm/in. 



Field of use

Length, mm/in.Width, mm/in.Depth, mm/in.

ø 4 × 4


0.75; 1.5 / .03; .06


0.05 / .002


0.05 / .002


ø 4 / .16


4 / .16

Carbon steelAircraft, oil and gas, chemical, power, transportation, engineering industries
. . .

ø 32 × 52


0.75; 1.5 / .03; .06


0.05 / .002


0.05 / .002


ø 32 / 1.25


52 / 2

Carbon steelAircraft, oil and gas, chemical, power, transportation, engineering industries
This product has no accessories.
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