L Shaped Probe for sub surface flaws detection 001

OKOndt L-Shaped Probe for sub-surface flaws detection

Part # NML-SHAPED Categories , Tag

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L-Shaped Probe for sub-surface flaws detection in the second layer, through the first layer with up to 1.5 mm thickness (e.g., testing of load-bearing elements under aircraft skin) (Reflection type)

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esignationOuter diameter, mm/inchDrop length, mmLength, mm/inchFrequencyConnectorMaterialDetected flaws
SSP3K5A7.5Dx3-37ASh7.5/.33/.1237/1.51-25 kHzTriax Lemo/FischerNFein aluminum through skin with up to 1.5 mm thickness
SSP3K5A7.5Dx6.4-37ASh7.5/.36.4/.2537/1.51-25 kHz
SSP3K5A7.5Dx12.5-37ASh7.5/.312.5/.537/1.51-25 kHz


1234 5 678

  1. SSP – sub-surface probe for subsurface flaws detection.
  2. Probe frequency:

HZ” designates the Hz range; “К” designates the kHz range; “М” designates the MHz range.

  1. Drop angle of a sensing element to the probe axis “5А” is 90º.
  2. Probe tip diameter, mm
  3. Drop length, mm
  4. Total probe length, mm.
  5. Probe type designation: “А”. АAbsolute.
  6. Sh Shielded sensing element.
This product has no accessories.
This product does not have software options.
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